uTe Projections & Specifications

Since the aircraft is still currently undergoing static- and flight-testing, some of the information contained on this page is still in the form of feasible projections and probabilities, based on design-specific calculations.

Once the test-flight program is completed, all technical and performance specifications will be reviewed and, where required, revised accordingly!

1.96 m
4.8 m (excluding rotor)
2.96 m
Weight & Capacity
Basic empty weight:
325 kg
Useable load:
325 kg
Maximum All-up Weight (MAUW):
650 kg
Standard VFR instruments, intercom and radio communications.
Wheel base:
2 m
1.86 m
Main wheels:
5.00-5, 6 ply
Nose wheel:
5.00-5, 6 ply
UD GRP Spar, cast-lead leading-edge & tip weights, CRP skin.
length: 8,96 m (≈ 29,5′). Chord-length: 245 mm - elliptical tip
Airfoil profile:
Modified NACA 8-H-12 profile, with a modified NACA 4405 tip profile
Power Plant
Model / type:
FHI EJ 25 Auto-Aero Conversion - FADEC, synchronous-belt reduction-drive - transmission ratio: 1:2,25
Power Output:
165 hp, normally aspirated
2 500 cc, fuel injected
4 cylinders, horizontally opposed, liquid-cooled
Lubricants and Fuel
Engine Oil:
15W30 semi-synthetic
Fuel Tank:
78 litres (75 litres usable)
Type of fuel:
MoGas 95 Unleaded
Fuel consumption:
25 ℓ / hr @ cruise power setting.
Projected Performance
Maximum airspeed allowed:
110 kt / 204 km/h
Maximum level-flight airspeed (MCP = 5 400 RPM):
95 kt / 176 km/h
Cruising airspeed (4 900 RPM):
90 kt / 167 km/h
Minimum airspeed (MCP):
(Straight and Level, no wind): 30 kt / 56 km/h
Rotor RPM (RRPM):
335 to 390 RPM
Service ceiling:
> 12 000 ft / 3 650 m
Take-off distance:
(No wind, 180 RRPM pre-rotation) 150 m
Landing-roll (wind dependant):
0 to 15 m
Endurance (4 050 RPM):
3 hours with 30 minute reserves.

Power Plant – FHI (Subaru) EJ 25

Rivaero uTe Prototype